Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a copy of the by-laws?

A link to a copy of the bylaws are included below. We are aware the quality is poor and may be hard to read. However, this is the only copy we have access to, and is the original legal copy on file with the town.

QVHA Bylaws can be downloaded here
(You can also right click this link and select “Save As”)

How much is the annual assessment?

The annual assessment (approved by majority vote in August 2018) is $200 per household. Notices are sent via email and mail in November of each year and we ask that homeowners pay the assessment by January 1.

I'm selling my home. What do I need from the association?

Prior to closing, the association board will create a "Certificate of No Lien." This indicates that you've paid your assessments through the calendar year and is required for a successful closing.

Where can I get a homeowner contact directory?

Please use the "send us a message" link at the bottom of this page to request a copy of the directory. Given the private nature of the information it contains, we prefer to not make it available on the website.