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2021 Holiday Party

The QVHA Board has sent an e-mail regarding a possible 2021 Holiday Party. Please complete the survey contained in the e-mail to provide you feedback if you’d be interested in attending.

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QVHABoard Secretary QVHABoard Secretary

2021 Annual Meeting

It all begins with an idea.

2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

Dave Fravel • August 18, 2021


The annual meeting minutes are also available via PDF for those who'd like a nice printed copy.

The presentation is available via PDF.

Minutes of the QVHA Annual Meeting - August 14, 2021

Quashnet Valley Country Club 10:00am, Saturday, August 14, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 10am by Board President Tony Venuti. Board Secretary Dave Fravel and Board Treasurer Gary Johnson were also in attendance.

Prior to the meeting, copies of the agenda and financials were made available via email to all members of the community.

41 homes were represented at the meeting. 5 other homes submitted proxy votes. 27 homes are needed for a quorum. With 46 homes we had a quorum for the annual meeting.

Pledge of Allegiance and Reflection

Jay Hill led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection to honor those members of the community no longer with us.

New Community Members

Tony Venuti asked all of the new homeowners (those who moved in between last August and this) to please stand and introduce themselves.

Landscape Committee

Board Member and Landscape Coordinator Ed Markowski was unable to attend the annual meeting but he compiled a list of updates on the status of the landscaping in the neighborhood. The updates were delivered by Tony Venuti.

Special mention was made for the new signage installed at the corners of Snead, Palmer and Hogan with thanks made to Don Allen, Martha Johnson, Martha Cosgrove, Michele Allen, Tony Cocuzzo, Bob Mollenhauer and Bruce Johnson for all of their efforts in managing the sign research and selection process.

Another special thank you for Jay Hill and all of the effort he puts in to ensure the neighborhood fencing shines brightly.

Closing the books on 2020

Tony Venuti reviewed the final numbers from 2020. The information is available in the powerpoint presentation.

2022 Budget

Tony Venuti broke down the 2022 budget and the board’s justification for each line item. The information is available in the powerpoint presentation.

The board is recommending that the assessment for 2022 remain at $200 per household. One special note - If we don’t spend the $5000 site improvement budget line item in 2022 the board will consider lowering the household assessment to $150 in 2023.

The 2022 budget was passed unanimously.

2021-2022 Board

The Board for 2021–2022 will be:

  • Tony Venuti - President

  • Christopher Nelson - Secretary

  • Gary Johnson - Treasurer

  • Ed Markowski - Landscape Coordinator

  • Paul Robillard - Director

Open Forum

The majority of the discussion during the Open Forum related to the possibility of a Holiday Party. Donna Hill spoke with the QVCC management and confirmed that we don’t need a deposit to reserve the date so it was decided that we’d reserve Saturday, December 11 for the holiday party. More information about time and ticket cost will be available in the coming weeks.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45am.

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